Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder (also known as Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathy - HMSN) is an inherited neurological disorder. There is a slow degeneration of the peripheral nerves of the feet, legs, hands and arms which can result in changes in sensation and muscle strength. The severity and type of symptoms varies greatly between people with the diagnosis.
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association Australia website has additional information.
Changes in strength and sensation in the feet is common and it can affect people's walking, running, stair climbing, standing ability and balance. Neurological physiotherapy can help by providing people with advice and exercises.Neurological physiotherapy can assess your sensation, muscle strength, balance, walking and/or fitness and design an individualised program for you. Alternatively you could attend a neuro circuit class for your balance, strength and fitness.
The CMTA (UK) have a series of videos designed by a physiotherapist with CMT demonstrating useful exercises (see one below).