Neurological Physiotherapy

Transitions Physiotherapy Perth


Neurological physiotherapy aims to maximise well being and independence for people living with neurological conditions. For many neurological conditions, neuroplasticity is the key to functional improvement: rewiring the brain.

Neuroplasticity refers to the capacity of the nervous system to change in response to experience. Physiotherapy rehabilitation can provide the ‘right’ experience to optimise recovery. (Neuroplasticity is nicely explained in this podcast by the Stroke Foundation). 

Physiotherapy treatment for neurological conditions is tailored to each individual. Neurological physiotherapy commonly incorporates elements of manual techniques, education, exercise and functional retraining.

  • Manual techniques may include joint mobilisations, stretches or facilitation of movement, amongst other things.

  • Education may cover information about your presenting problem, and how to manage problems such as fatigue or pain issues.

  • Exercises can be developed to improve muscle strength, control and flexibility; for general fitness; to improve balance and coordination; or to improve walking. Exercise may be completed under the full supervision of the physiotherapist in your home or at our Hillarys-based therapy room (including Pilates reformer) or provided as customised home exercise program, or a combination of both.

  • Functional retraining involves practice of a task, or part practice of a task to improve your ability to complete that functional task such as getting out of bed, walking or running.

  • Neurological physiotherapy can also incorporate electrical muscle stimulation, sensory retraining, mirror box therapy and aquatic therapy as part of a physiotherapy programme.

Physiotherapy begins with a comprehensive, individual assessment to gain an understanding of you and your goals and how physiotherapy needs can work with you to achieve them.


Neurological Rehabilitation includes:

Neurological Physiotherapy can assist with: